
Bringing out the big guns

Although I run all the time my proper marathon training schedule kicks in tomorrow. I may regret saying this but it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.

Obviously there are some long runs on it but it seems to be more about running more often than about running that much further than I would normally. That works for me as time is very precious. As part of my preparation I am running a 10k race at Longleat early February and of course in March I shall be running the Bath Half Marathon. I'm really hoping that will feel dead easy by then.

At the moment myself and my campaign manager (The Boy) are busy working on getting my sponsorship. We've had quite a big push on it this week and as a result we are now up to £130, which is just under a tenth of the way. I feel like that's quite a good start.

Over the coming weeks we're going to start pulling out the big guns so watch this space.

If anyone knows of any businesses that might be interested in sponsoring me could you please let me know? I've been sending out letters to a few but as yet nothing has come of it.

Image by Rico Moran

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Anyone for a marathon?

Anyone for a marathon? No? Perhaps you would just be so kind as to sponsor me then. I will be joining the other mad 33,000 people running the Flora London Marathon on 13th April of this year. It is my first marathon and I'm running for Association for International Cancer Research.

Why? One in three people get cancer. Isn't that reason enough? Think of all the people you know. A third of them will contract the disease. I run so that all the people I care about have the medication and care they need should they ever get ill.

Animals get cancer too though. About this time last year my dog was diagnosed with cancer. Had this happened a few years ago we would have lost her pretty much instantly. Thanks to recent improvements in medication we had a few extra months with her, and they were precious as she was able to come and stay with me for the last few weeks of her life, time I'm so grateful for.

I like to think that some of the money I've raised in the past helped her to live comfortably for a little longer. That's what keeps me running. I would run forever if it meant saving her and others like her. 26 miles? That's nothing.

Please give generously.

Image by Paco CT

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